Explanation of marketing tools on LinkedIn
Sender Pro
June 01, 2024 (28 days)

Explanation of marketing tools on LinkedIn

[ LinkedIn marketing tools ]

  • Log in to LinkedIn without any problems or bans.
  • Through the search tool, you can search for customers, companies, universities, groups, or content owners, extract them, and target them in marketing.
  • Extract complete customer data (name, phone number, email, address, work, city and province) and save it in Excel.
  • Extracting complete data for companies. The data is (name - phone number - email - website - company function - company size - company type - company specialization - company headquarters - company establishment time).
  • Extracting complete data for universities. The data is (name - phone number - email - website - university function - university size - university type - company specialization - its headquarters - time of university establishment).
  • Tool for extracting members of companies and universities.
  • A tool to extract all colleagues (friends) to extract data.
  • Extract customers who liked or commented on a post.
  • Extract customer emails by interest and country to LinkedIn from search engines.
  • Extract customers interested in a specific interest and location.
  • A tool to join groups with multiple accounts at time intervals and complete reports.
  • A tool to follow up on companies and universities, multiple accounts, with time intervals and complete reports.
  • Sending contact requests to customers with multiple accounts, time intervals and complete reports.
  • A tool to extract the groups you have joined and publish on them.
  • Tool for publishing on groups, multiple accounts, with time intervals and complete reports.
  • A tool for sending messages to multiple customer accounts at secure time intervals.


Sender Pro

Sender Pro is an E-marketing program on all social media platforms. It helps increase sales by targeting interested and potential customers and communicating with them effortlessly on all social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, LinkedIn, Telegram, and others.

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